Piscina na Praia de Leça / A pool on the beach
O preço original era: 37,50€.33,75€O preço atual é: 33,75€. c/IVA
ISBN 9789899846234
Livraria A+A
Capa mole, 104 pp, 20,5×25,5 cm
Português e Ingês
O livro, integrado na coleção Single, inclui uma vasta coleção de memórias descritivas, desenhos e fotografias sobre o projeto, além de um escrito do próprio Siza Vieira e outros textos.
O livro traz ainda uma análise ao percurso dos banhistas a cargo de Pedro Vieira de Almeida, bem como testemunhos dos arquitetos Diogo Seixas Lopes e Manuel Aires Mateus.
O livro inclui um DVD com o filme Sigízia da autoria de Luís Urbano.
Álvaro Siza’s ‘Tidal Swimming Pool’ has been highlighted by critics as a significant mark in the architect’s career, from a time when he had still not reached full international notoriety. The 60s witnessed the design and construction of this building, which was to be of service to the general public, providing a better enjoyment of the sea and the sun at the beach of Leça da Palmeira. From a simple program for a saltwater tank, Álvaro Siza produced a set of spaces that lead the bather from the coastal road to the rocks on the sea, on a course that enhances the relationship between what is artificial and what is natural. With an extensive presentation of design statements, drawings, and photographs and an essay by Michel Toussaint.